Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Does Time Belong to Anyone?

As a follower of Jesus and someone who loves planning events that help others get to know Him, I've always struggled with dealing with those who are aren't like-minded.

I can't quite define what the name of the struggle would be...I know I should only worry about myself and what I'm doing as an individual to consistently get to know Him and serve Him better, but I always find myself worrying about others.

I'm saddened when I learn that others aren't as motivated or inspired to help in even a fraction of the same capacity. Sometimes this sadness turns into irritation, which is when I know I've crossed the line and let my mind dwell on something it should not.

But when someone says, "[I'll help out] if I have time and feel like it," it's very difficult not to get irritated.

All of our time belongs to God and we shouldn't plan God around our schedules, but should rather be planning our schedules around God.