Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Just got a voice message from my old high school youth leader. I saw her at camp meeting a couple weeks ago and she asked what I was up to, to which I replied I was no longer pursuing dentistry. She told me that for the past 5 years since I left for college, she's continued to pray for me and my decisions. I informed her that currently, I am uncertain about where God wants me.

In the voice message she said that this morning, she came across an old paper I had written on from back then, when we played the "honesty game." One question asked us what our greatest fear is.

She reminded me that I had answered, "My greatest fear is to live my earthly life doing something I am not passionate about."

Now I just need to determine what I am passionate about.


Searching for the meaning of my true self. said...

Oh my dear friend Steph, there are so many things you are passionate about. I can see them clearly. Your love for family. Your love of music. You are so willing to let god lead you to where he wants you to be. I will continue to pray for you about his will in your life.

Amanda said...

Aren't you so glad that you're thinking about this now, instead of twenty years from now? :-) I hope you do some productive soul-searching.